Aviso legal

Use conditions

Access to and use of this webpage are governed by the Law 34/2002, 11 July, of Information and E-commerce Society Services.

User may visualise the different contents, print and store them always provided that it is done, only and exclusively, for his/her personal use, being strictly prohibited its distribution, its use for commercial purposes as well as its amendment or alteration. The user may discharge for own use the attached documents knowing that they will continue to be subject in any event to the copyright of AIRSEA ABOGADOS and/or their authors, being expressly prohibited their total or partial reproduction for purposes different to the purposes earlier described.

It is forbidden to introduce or spread in the network computer virus or programmes that can hurt the physical or logical systems of AIRSEA ABOGADOS.

Limitation of liability

Anyone who uses this website does so at their own risk. AIRSEA ABOGADOS, its associates, outside human resources, employees and representatives shall also not be held liable for the errors or omissions in the content of this website or in any other content which may be accessed through this site. AIRSEA ABOGADOS, its associates, outside human resources, employees and representatives shall neither be held liable for any damages caused by the use of this website or by any action carried out based on the information provided in it.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These General Conditions shall be governed by Spanish law.

Let’s Talk.


Calle de Jorge Juan 19, 6º.
Madrid, 28001. Spain.


+34 91 781 54 44
+34 91 357 56 66


+34 91 781 54 48
+34 91 357 65 01