Bárbara Berreteaga

Founder and Firm Director

Work Experience

Specialized in Maritime, Aeronautic and Transport Law.
Maritime field, Aeronautic field, general transport field and arbitrations. General transport Regulation and Public International Law.
General transport Regulation and Public International Law.

Legal advisement for banks, financial institutions, shipowners and shipping companies, not just for simple loan operations with mortage guarantee, but for the complex fiscal structures of leasing that are carried out in Spain too, taking part in the technical phase of shipbuilding and the phase of tax incidence. To that end, assessor in the redaction of the constitution of instrumental societies and associations with economic interest, and assessment for Spanish fiscal structures ruled by the Real Decreto 442/1994, the Special Register of Canarias, the Tax Regime determined by Tonnage, or "Tonnage Tax", and the tax regimes of leasing contracts and associations with economic interest.

Claims for contract breaching against the air and sea carriers, and the claims resulting from the extra contractual liability of the carriers, the owners, the shipowners or the airship operators.

European Union Law, and Competition Regulation.

Collegiate Number 68.579 of the Illustrious College of Lawyers of Madrid (Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid). Working lawyer developing the following activities:

Full time participation in legal procedures and Court attendance; ordinary, oral, admonitory and exchange trials. Redaction of briefs for lawsuits, defense pleas, appeals, requests, motions, notary's office businesses, registry office and land registry. Elaboration of contracts and agreements, legal assessment for small and big firms and companies (cash-management claims, signing and cancellation of contracts, reports, affidavits), out of court negociations and arbitrations.

Full time dedication to the commercial law, specially the fields of international sea, railway, land and multimodal transport.

Teaching Profesor in the Instituto Superior de Economia y Derecho as part of the Master in International Law LL.M.

abogados de derecho aéreo y aeronáutico


As single author:

Thesis published in the Spanish Maritime Institute (IME) regarding the compulsory insurance of pleasure boats.

As author, coauthor or coordinator of the following papers, meant to be presented in scientist publications of the commerce field, and oral lectures:

El Convenio de embargo preventivo de buques. Ginebra 12 de Marzo de 1999.

El Transitario en nuestro Derecho y su controversia en torno a su regulación legal.

Incoterms 2000 y prácticas documentarias.

La responsabilidad del transitario en el transpone marítimo.

Reforma al Convenio Internacional relativo al transporte de pasajeros y sus equipajes por mar, hecho en Atenas el 13 de Diciembre de 1974.


Let’s Talk.


Calle de Jorge Juan 19, 6º.
Madrid, 28001. Spain.


+34 91 781 54 44
+34 91 357 56 66


+34 91 781 54 48
+34 91 357 65 01